Thursday, May 14, 2009

PennEquine hoof sock -- a review

Back when Riley was battling an abscess, I started looking at alternatives to duct tape wraps. I found a product called the Hoof Sock, available from Pennequine Gear based in Lititz, PA. I met the developer at a local horse expo and bought the sock directly from him at the booth.

The sock is sturdy and has held up well to daily applications, but the fit was hardly "socklike." The extra large was way too big, the Large would not go over Riley's hoof at all, and both sizes lacked sufficient velcro wrap to hold the sock on effectively. I kept the XL even though it was too big, and ended up duct taping the top so that it stayed on overnight. For Riley, at least, there was too much material around the hoof and not enough velcro to wrap security around his pastern. Nevertheless, I made it work. There were several inserts, one for soaking, one for cush, but because the fit was not right the inserts shifted in the sock. I couldn't use them. The sock is porous, and some shavings did get inside, but that could be related to the fit. If you wrap the hoof in vet wrap it might fit better.

Problems with the company
Update: Today, 5/15/09, I did hear from PennEquine. They are processing my refund but apparently they weren't sure how to do the refund. I'm told the refund will be processed soon, and was given new contact numbers. I can certainly understand a small company may not have the manpower a large company does. Hopefully they'll iron out the communication glitches that I experienced.

Original info:
The sock cost $45, but unfortunately, I spent $90! Why? To say it bluntly, because the manufacturer stiffed me. At the Expo, when I lamented I wasn't sure what size to get, PennEquine Gear had told me they'd do an exchange and would cover shipping. They readily did the exchange but charged for a second item and for shipping, which I let slide. I mailed back the item (in pristine condition), expecting a refund for the ill-fitting sock when they received it. They received the item I shipped on April 16. Since then I have phoned, emailed, and faxed them requesting reimbursement for the sock (never mind the shipping). No word from them. Nothing. Nada. It's only $50 but doggone it why'd they accept the exhange? I could have at least kept and sold the sock. I contacted the Better Business Bureau. We'll see what happens. The sock is available from online and real life horse supply stores, if you want to buy it from someone who handles returns reliably..

If I were to purchase a hoof cover again, I would would try the Bluegrass Equine hoof slipper instead -- it looks like it might offer a closer, more custom fit, it's less expensive, and hopefully the company will be easier to work with.


  1. Nice review. I recently used the equine slipper over a hind hoof bandage with a lot of success. I was having trouble keeping the wrap on and also wanted my horse to be able to go out in the run that is attached to his stall. The leather sole of the slipper took a beating, but it kept the wrap on and I had a happier horse than if he had been stall bound.

  2. Deluxe Equine Slippers are fantastic! I rehabbed my foundered mare using these with foam rubber pads in them. When she was abscessingm, I duct taped the soles and turned her out in them (with the rubber pads). Th9is kept her moving round which helped circulation and mobilized the abscess. In wet weather I encased her hoof in a disposable diaper ... this pulled excess moisture from the hoof. The slipper's cordura upper breathes.


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