Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rider position from Jane Savoie

Jane Savoie is one of my favorite clinicians, and she has a series of videos she shares on Youtube. I think this is a few months old, but I'm always looking for advice on rider position. Hope you enjoy!


  1. I saw this a couple of months ago and I loved it! I love Jane Savoie because her stuff is so easy to remember and then use! For me, I watch her videos and use them easily. I am thinking about signing up for her web classes. She is awesome and so down to earth. She inspires me because she was a backyard rider (like me) who had had fear issues (like me) and I just GET her! Love your blog!

  2. Hello Stacey!

    just wanted to thank you for being one of my top droppers in January! Please visit my blog for awards I have passed on to you.

    Happy Sunday!


  3. Thanks so much for this, I just love your blog.
    If I had a dollar for every time I've heard, "Get your right shoulder back!"...
    I'm going practice these exercises every time I ride.


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