Sunday, January 4, 2009

Riley meets surcingle: Part 1 (the prelude)

Disclaimer: I'm totally challenged when it comes to managing the lunge line. You'll see me stepping through it, trailing it behind me, and holding it in a tangled mass. You'd never guess that I once blogged about proper lungeing technique. Pot, meet kettle!

Part 1 (the prelude) isn't the most dramatic footage you'll ever see. The video below is a short excerpt of 2.5 year old Riley lungeing -- basically a warmup to lungeing with a surcingle. Bob is videotaping, and we're both amused that Riley has been "jumping" the thin strip of sunlight as if it is a pole, as you can see in the picture on the left. If you have nothing better to do, here is the rest of the warmup: part 1 and part 2.

For those of you still awake after the first video, here is footage of Riley standing to have the surcingle put on. Wooo hoo. He's worn a surcingle on the lunge once, very loosely fit, and several times in his stall fitted more snugly. He stands very nicely here, don't you think?

Coming up: Riley meets surcingle part II. Here's a teaser!


  1. He looks like a really cute mover. Can't wait to see you o him!

  2. Riley moves nicely and good work on the videos!

  3. Hey, I want to go horseback riding....!!!

  4. He's turning into a really nice horse - what a fabulous front! I don't think it would be a problem with a horse his shape but I like to use a breastplate with a roller to stop it being a bucking strap on a weedier youngster!

  5. He is a really nice looking guy! I love the way his trot looks. Nice neck on him too!

    The glimpse of part 2 looks like maybe he wants to be a rodeo horse instead of a dressage horse?? lol

  6. Laura, SHHHH! ;-) Part II will be unveiled tonight :-)

  7. Riley is a horsie hottie! He's handsome and a really cute mover. He looked very relaxed about the girthing of the surcingle. Okay, I also admit I snuck a viewing of your next video and all the things I forgot about working with baby greenies started to come back to me. It was a good refresher for my memory! Lovely colt, can't wait to see him start under saddle!

  8. He looks really nice! He looks like a really nice, willing baby.

    But, I do want to caution you about lunging properly. I've seen far too often how quickly babies can develop bad and dangerous habits and I would hate for something to happen to you or Riley.


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