Friday, January 23, 2009

Stacy Westfall video: A western diversion

Okay, I admit I never heard of Stacy Westfall until I ran across a video of this performance/competition on Youtube. She dedicated this ride to her father who had died recently. It was an emotional performance. Between the tribute to her father, the wonderful rapport with her mare, and the audience response I was in tears inside of a minute. Hope you enjoy it...


  1. How had you never heard of her? haha. pretty amazing.

  2. Wow, this was unbelievable! It brought tears to my eyes and I had to watch it 3 times! Thanks for posting this - it was a treat. :-)

  3. She was one of the clinicians at the Mane Event last year and I really liked her style of training and her focus on being safe and the progress she made with the horses. It was nice to see someone take their time and not push the horse past its limits in the training sessions. If you ever get a chance to see her teach you should go!

  4. That was amazing! Talk about riding with your seat!!!! It gives all riders something to strive for to achieve with our horses! (and thanks for sharing this, I didn't know of her either...)

  5. Very inspirational video. The horse is beautiful and both of them "dance' so gracefully together. The song was perfect too. I really enjoy my visits to your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Brig and I do that all the time!

    J/K . . .

    I've seen this a billion times. I start bawling when the announcer chokes up and the keep-a-comin'!

    I heard she was going to be on Ellen over the summer so I Tivoed the show and she seems like a really neat gal who loves what she does. Not a pretentious bone in her body! She was very down to earth and humbled being on the show.

  7. yes, I've seen this plenty of times. Fantastic, isn't it? I, too, cry every time I hear the announcement.
    That is the ultimate goal in riding, isn't it, to be one with your horse?

  8. Thanks. It was the first time I had ever heard of her. She's amazing, and boy, would I love to be able to do that.

  9. Truly amazing! It is just as good every time I see it.

  10. Isn't Stacey just amazing? I want to have that same communication skill with my Frilly. The two nine year old Gimme A Dream and Willow Breeze are too set in there own way to do any more then simple guidance with but Frilly is young and really wants to understand what I want of her.


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