Sunday, February 1, 2009

15 things about (not me)

I was tagged to share 25 things about me. Well, I was already tagged on Facebook, and I hate to duplicate it here. I'm inspired, though, to write about my friend Heike. Her birthday is in February, and I've been reflecting on what an amazing person she is. I admire her strength and generosity. She has been a good friend and has given me good advice.

In honor of Heike's birthday, I'll write 15 things about her! She's not into the Internet and will never read this blog--but I won't write anything so sappy that she'd be embarrassed to read it. I know most of you have "horse friends" that you value and care for, so hopefully you'll find something to relate to in my birthday tribute to Heike.

15 things about Heike

1. Heike used to board at the same barn I did (that's how we met).
2. We met at the crack of dawn one Sunday about 9 years ago. I was coming into the barn to work, and she was untacking her horse. At 6am.
3. Heike and her husband built a log home, barn, pastures, and outsheds by themselves--while working full-time.
4. As a teen, Heike exercised thoroughbreds at a race track in NJ.
5. As a young woman, she was a competitive body-builder. She quit when she'd gone as far as she could without taking steroids. "No matter how hard I worked, I could never get six-pack abs," she told me.
6. Heike has two horses, a 14 year old Oldenburg by Parabol and a 28 year old thoroughbred.
7. Several years ago I went with Heike on horse shopping trips. You know the drill, the trainer rides then the buyer rides. Heike often did a better job with the horse than the trainer. Horses love her.
8. When I needed surgery, Heike was the only one of my friends who volunteered to drive me to the hospital (it was an hour away). She took two days vacation to help me through the surgery.
9. Heike wears a weighted belt to do more pull-ups than I care to count. I can't do one! Yet when she helps me at the gym she is never condescending -- always encouraging.
10. Heike has no family. She lost her mother years ago and never knew her father.
11. Now divorced, Heike works full time in addition to caring for two horses, many cats, and her small farmette.
12. She takes in a lot of stray cats.
13. Heike appreciates her friends and is incredibly generous.
14. She has helped me move all my stuff to new digs, twice.
15.Heike and her (now ex) husband bought and installed new flooring in my kitchen as a birthday present.

Oh, and the advice I got from Heike? A few years ago I inadverdently hurt her feelings -- I didn't mean to, but in retrospect I was very thoughtless. When we dicussed it later, she told me that "the people you love are going to let you down from time to time. You have to forgive them." I have repeated this to myself many times over the years.


  1. What a great post! What a great friend!!!

  2. What an interesting, wonderful sounding friend! Reminds me of how important good friends are. :)

  3. Your friend sounds like an exceptional person. It's obvious that you are an exceptional person yourself. How lucky you both are to have one another in your lives.

  4. Lovely post about a lovely friend. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, what a great idea! I just did mine on Facebook. Now I want to do one for a friend, too.

  6. Heike sounds like an awesome person! Much more dedicated than I could ever hope to be.

    Yes, people have often let me down, at my most needful times. I'm sure it's not on purpose but I have learned that it's best not to depend on anyone!


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