Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ponies: a British comedy sketch

Thanks to a BTB reader Christine for sending me the link to this video. I sometimes look for good horse videos but never would have found this. It's a French and Saunders sketch.

My favorite line is the "record" for catching their horses!


  1. Haha, that's brilliant! Brings back memories of when my friends and I used to make jumping courses at school! Teehee!

  2. Loved it! Especially the "jumping" at the end! Brilliant!

  3. too right,that's fantastic! I love that dark haired one she's very silly!It's like Thelwell's on film,hahaha,thanks for sharing it!

  4. OMG, I think I was crying a little whilst I was laughing. Someone must have had ponies growing up!

  5. Absolutely hilarious! I loved it!

  6. As one who taught her sister to canter by running in front of our pony on the local football field, with a plastic bag of carrots (peeled), to encourage him to move at all, this is all a little too close to the truth!
    Seriously though, French and Saunders are Ab.Fab. very clever.
    The music choices include the theme used whenever the TV shows Horse of the Year or Hickstead Showjumping, to accompany the chasing of ponies.
    This is a keeper.

  7. Oh, that was great!! Reminds me of the good old days. My trainer used to bring in horses from the auction and then we kids would get to test them out. All kinds of interesting rides back then.

    What great "actors" those horses were...I think. *LOL*

  8. this is so great! a friend sent it to me recently, but it never gets old ;-)

  9. That brought back memories of my early riding days! Though I had a sorrel QH gelding (avatar) who would stand in the deepest part of the pond to avoid being caught for the day's ride. The deepest part being over knee deep for me, and certainly wet squishy socks in the boots.


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