Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two invitations in one article!

Hey, who is going to Rolex this year? A BTB reader suggested we try to get together one night for dinner. Time, date, location are TBD. But RSVP in Comments.

One of the challenges of blogging is finding visuals/images for each article. Some readers have sent me pix of their horses, which I really enjoy, and I have connected with readers on Facebook who have let me use one of their Facebook photos in a blog article.

So, I thought I'd invite readers to send me any pix of their horses that they wouldn't mind sharing on the blog. They can be "at home" shots, competition shots, or farm/barn/pastures shots.

I'll include any information about you or your horse, and if you have a blog or horse-related business, I'll include that too as either a caption or info that you see when you hover over the image. You can send any photos and posting requests (desired captions, etc.) to sek4278 @ but here are the disclaimers:
  • I can't guarantee if or when I'll use your photo (would like it to fit the article)
  • No compensation is available for using photos, although I'll credit your work in any way I can
Thanks so much for considering this!



  1. Hey I have been trying to find you on face book?? please help

  2. You're welcome to use my scruffy dirty beasts, if you happen to need a "dirty horse in pasture" type photo. My Flickr is here.

    I followed your blog on Facebook but I'm not sure how to be friends with you? Shoot me an email if you want.

  3. I'll be at Rolex, and a lunch or supper get together would be great!

    As for the second invitation, I wouldn't mind you using some of my pics. I'll email you my info, and you can decide if you like any of them.

  4. Hi, Thanks for the photos and thanks for asking about Facebook! You can follow my blog on facebook by clicking on the blue and white facebook link on the right side of my blog. You can friend me by searching Stacey Kimmel on Facebook. If you have problems, comment back or email me at

  5. I'm hoping to get down to Rolex for the weekend. If you plan something for Saturday lunch or dinner, I'm in! You coming to the Ohio Equine Affaire by any chance? I'm trying to plan something for that for anybody who is going.

    You're welcome to pull photos from my Flickr account as well (maybe it will give me more motivation to keep it updated!)

  6. Hi Stacey, Just started following your blog and love it. Started a few of my own. You can access my horse photos (eclectic herd of ten)from facebook - Gayle Lawrence - plus I did trackbacks from my blogsites to yours. You can use them. I would be honored!

  7. Feel free to take any of my horsey photos from Facebook, if you find anything useful there. :)

  8. feel free to use any of my horse/farm pics on facebook :)

    dinah skorich


Hi Guys, Your comments are valued and appreciated -- until recently I never rejected a post. Please note that I reserve the right to reject an anonymous post.