Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day musings, and a thank you....

When I watch Top Chef I can't help but notice the airwaves are now saturated with Valentine commercials -- I bet you've seen the commercials for Pajamagram. It runs every year about this time, over and over. The tone really gets to me. Hey, guys, why think about your SO's personal preferences and individual interests when you can just default to some generic overpriced PJs? And if that's not insipid enough, Pajamagram carries all that spa stuff women love. My gut response is GAG ME WITH A SPOON. Bob complains I'm hard to buy for, but he knows to opt for a saddle shop gift certificate over Pina Colada Exfoliating Body Polish.

There, I feel better now. Anyway....

This is a valentine is for the BTB readers and fellow bloggers I've had the chance to talk to (via email, chat, Facebook, etc.) Whether it's Barbara Martin's thoughtful blog comments, Oh Horsefeathers topical and authoritative blog, A Bay Horse's engaging style, or the oh so relevant and well-spoken Grey Horse Matters, I can truly say that reading and interacting with everyone has been a real source of joy.

And now, scroll down for some valentine images...




  1. I have a horse with that marking, his name is "Valentino". Very cute.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Stacey! I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and that the Boys are extra sweet to you! ;)

  3. I love the heart shaped horse shoe! Wishing you all the Valentine's best!

    I <3 your blog!

  4. Stacey, I couldn't agree more with your assessment of the horrifying Pajamagram. And there's a stuffed bear service too that's equally as gross. The thing I hate about the commercials is the fact that the women oohing and aahing over these ridiculous gifts all look like porn stars--not real women. I guess that's because real women would look up from their Pajamagram and say something like "are you freaking kidding me...what about that saddle pad I've said I want for the last two months?" :-)

  5. I am in total agreement about the pajamas and those darn bears. And the girls drooling over them are equally offensive.

    Hillary and Sarah may have "broken the glass ceiling," but the glass basement in taste seems to be intact. *G*

  6. I couldn't agree with you more on the pajama-gram and perfume adds etc... I'll take a gift certificate to the saddle shop too.
    Your pictures were very inventive and interesting, I really liked the horse butt heart, adorable.

  7. I like the heart pictures. :) I spent Valentine's Day shopping for... my horses... My husband was a little bemused.

  8. Here I'm late for the party. Hearts are gratefully accepted at any time.


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