Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dutch National Championship ride

Edward Gal and Totilas (toe-TEE-lass) are reportedly undefeated at all FEI level. This particular ride received an 82.92%. Even more astounding, the video is getting nearly unanimous praise from the tough audiences of the dressage bulletin boards. I say nearly unanimous because one poster did refer to T's showy trot as "cart-type movement."

Totilas is by the Trakehner stallion Gribaldi, who is undeniably talented but known to be rather hot and to produce spirited offspring.

Youtube video

Non-youtube video (for people who live where Youtube is not available)


  1. Wow! Love that horse. Hard to see all the legs all the time because of the dark walls, but truly gorgeous. Tried to look for why the 82% Looked like he "propped" a few of the tempi changes, but it didn't see much else to really fault.

    I loved the music as it was dramatic to suit such an extravagant mover. And, I don't see any tail swishing as is so common in upper level rides today. From what I could see, this guy was just out there "doing his thing."

    Years ago, I saw a video of a German stallion, Chinook, that moved like that. Never could find out whether he competed. My friend tried to breed his mare to him with frozen semen but she never took. He had that same big action and took my breath away as this horse does.

    Thank you so much for posting this! Now I have a new dressage star to watch out for.

  2. Thanks so much for that video! It was absolutely beautiful and that horse looked so happy and brilliant. Watching that has made my day!

  3. Yeah, I thought the flying changes lacked a bit of the control you see in older horses, but wow those pirouettes!!!! I'll have to look up Chinook...

  4. BEAUTIFUL, wow. I usually get bored part way through watching a dressage video but I watched this one! (the music was just perfect) Thanks for sharing!

  5. I'd take that "cart-type movement" horse any day!


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