Saturday, March 28, 2009

Not a dressage prospect!

I was very naughty and borrowed this picture from a Texas breeding farm Web site. I was shocked at first, mustn't this little guy be very uncomfortable? Could this be an example of the infamous halter horse type? It doesn't appear to be. From what I can gather, the colt's breeding appears to be quite good -- for cutting and reining. We won't see him trotting down the centerline anytime soon.


  1. Wow, he has almost no angle at all in the hind end. I should think a horse built like that would have stifle issues. Strange that it's not something I hear a lot about.

  2. Oh boy, that is sad! I don't care what his breeding is. I imagine riding him would always feel like traveling downhill. I certainly hope he grows up in front.

  3. And his head and neck look awful too!

  4. I'm thinking it might be a growth spurt in a pony that is already a bit downhill. His mom and dad are pretty attractive in that western way.

  5. The angle of that picture isn't doing him any favors either - his butt is closer to the camera, giving it extra emphasis and height. Still, he's obviously very downhill.

  6. Most foals are born downhill, but that's ridiculous. His butt is practically level with his ears!

    And those legs... eesh.

  7. Most foals go through growth spurts where there front grows faster than their rear or their rear grows faster than their front but this seems a little extreme. It would be interesting to see him in a year or two.


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