Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Email message from Gallop Saddlery...

Delta Airlines can kiss my green spring grass -- I received this message this afternoon:

Hi Stacey,

Thanks for signing up for Gallops Saddlery's email list at our booth at Rolex! You won the drawing for a pair of FREE FITS breeches!

We are delighted that a pair of our All Season FITS breeches will be enjoyed in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Please let us know what size and color you would like of the FITS All Season Full Seat Breeches that regularly retail for $219.95.

Here is the link to our web site where you can browse the colors and size options: www.gallopssaddlery.com

Colors include Navy, Black, Earth, Espresso and Sahara (not white). Sizes range from XS to XL. Just reply to this email and I will see that you receive your free pair as soon as possible.

Thanks again for visiting Gallops -- and happy riding!



  1. Congrats Stacey!!! How wonderful!!!

  2. Ha! That's the best revenge. Gallops is great (but pricey) - their Portland store is just a few miles from where I grew up.

  3. So sorry about the overage but so great about the breeches.

  4. Oh wow, I'm so jealous!! That's awesome! I've heard so much about FITS, maybe someday I'll shell out the money for them...

  5. Wow, you are lucky at Rolex. Every year you win something nice.
    Next time wear double layers of clothes or wear the boots, or carry them and stuff them under your seat or in the airline attendants overhead compartment!! :)

  6. Congratulations lucky girl!!! Isn't it fun to be a winner!

  7. Wow, you are super lucky! Didn't you win a bridle last year?

    I gotta get myself to Rolex next year :)

  8. Hey, that is great!! Makes up for the stupid luggage charge. I am so happy for you. I know how important Rolex is for you and this just caps an otherwise wonderful trip.

    Take that, Delta!!! Hah!!! *g-r-r-r-r*

    So, so....what color???? *G*

  9. I sign up for EVERY drawing at Rolex, and there are lots of drawings. The odds are not bad when you're that diligent.

    I'm half afraid I'm going to win a hay steamer -- have you ever SEEN one of those things? They look like a coffin-shaped rice steamer, you put in a bale and it comes out all hot and soft and wonderful-smelling...

  10. Wow! That is awesome....you are convincing me more and more that I need to get my booty to Rolex next year. I wonder if I would even get to watch any of the riding in between all of my shopping and signing up for giveaways...

    Can't wait to see which color breeches you pick.

  11. Oh those look fabulous! You are lucky!

  12. Totally jealous but congrats! Take that airlines!

  13. Wow, I don't know how I missed entering that drawing! I walked by the booth half a dozen times, afraid that if I walked in I'd go nuts and blow my very limited budget. *sigh* I get their flyer in the mail and I drool every time!

    I guess it's okay, though. I got a call yesterday from USEF saying that I won the Troxel helmet of my choice! Yay!

  14. Ahhh, sweet revenge. Congrats on winning those beautiful, free breeches. I still wish the airline would have treated you better and not nickel-and-dimed you, but I'm sure this makes you feel a ton better!

  15. This is some sort of karma, no? Congrats!

    I was at a Flight of the Conchords show last night and Eugene Merman was their opening act...he did about 5 minutes AND a song about how he hates Delta. Long story short, with the money he got back from them losing his luggage (though the person multiple states away who found it on their porch shipped it back to him, he still kept the check from Delta for half of what it was worth) he made up 1,000 or so postcard pre-printed with a message of why they are jerks for audience members to sign and send. It was great and I immediately thought of this blog!

  16. Whahoooo!! How exciting is that? Congratulations!

  17. The drawing was based on their mailing list. I wasn't aware of a drawing, signed up b/c after 40 minute of trying on breeches and the sales staff chatting me up, I didn't buy anything. The mailing list sign up was kind of a gesture of thanks.


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