Monday, April 13, 2009

Kelly of Housewives of New York City: TMI?

My least favorite housewife reveals a bit more about her interest in, and experience with, horses. Are you as underwhelmed as I am?

To be fair, my perspective is colored by Kelly's showdown with Bethenny (daughter of the famous racehorse trainer Bobby Frankel) on the series. Bethenny is the coolest of the housewives, but alas that's not saying all that much.


  1. I am on the same page with you about Kelly as an "equestrienne." Kudos to her for continuing to work on her riding and recognizing the fact that horses put you in the moment and provide you with something [related to your skills] to work on at any given time. However, while I can respect someone that puts it out there that they love riding I find the mentioning of being _so_ impressed by the barn requirement of tall boots with Tailored Sportsman breeches and talking about respecting and liking horses as she hands hers off to a groom to be a big chunk of salt to take along with their message.

  2. Oh dear. Someone should steal those spurs immediately for one thing, until she learns to keep her toes forward and her lower leg quiet. Listen to me. But really. That horse is a saint.

  3. I haven't watched the Housewives of NY show, but this lady is really annoying (and pomp-ass). She seems awfully confident in herself for being such a novice rider - lots of chipping going on in that video clip (and who knows what was cut out).

    Underwhelmed is very well put.

  4. In case she hasn't annoyed everyone enuf, here is an excerpt from an NY Magazine article... "We politely asked Kelly to rough out her daily schedule for us to actually prove that she is New York City's most bedraggled and beaten-down mom of two. And, we must admit, just listening to Kelly's itinerary wearied us and made us want to be one of those carefree South Bronx mamas toting four kids and a Salvation Army stroller on the 6 train.

    Brace yourself for this: "Wake up, eat oranges every morning. If I'm going to ride my horse in Riverdale, I have to stir it with granola. Then I come back, and I'm e-mailing and texting like crazy. Then I take a shower, and I have a business lunch. Then I'm interviewing somebody or I'm writing an article for somebody. Then I pick up my kids from school and take them to after-school activities, and then I bring them home and we have dinner, and then I go out.""

  5. hahaha...I love that she doesn't even TRY to pretend to take care of the horse she was just riding. All she does is hand it off to the closest groom. And what is with her brand name fever? Who cares if your breeches are Tailored Sportsmans? I mean, even I have a pair of those and that is saying something. Riding pants are just riding pants. She needs to get over herself. I wish they hadn't added her to the show.

  6. I've never watched this show or even heard of it (and I won't). What a self-indulgent very busy mom/business woman, phony. Thank god she's got grooms and after school activities to keep her free from any form of responsibility, and she can simply worry about how she looks. She obviously doesn't care about her horse or how she rides (which IMO could use a little more finesse). I'm sorry to be so bitchy, but I really get annoyed at people like this who ride for the glory in promoting themselves to make themselves feel better about who they are when in fact they are really nothing and missing the whole point.

  7. i don't watch the show either, but i just knew this was going to annoy me before i even watched it. typical wannabe.

    i wouldn't mind if she was simply a humble novice trying to learn, be she's bragging about having to wear tall boots and hers don't even fit, she's jumping when she can't even post the trot, but sits in a chair seat with her knees off the saddle... she gets jumped loose over every fence and grabs the horse in the face... and why on earth is she wearing a bloody spur if she hasn't got a leg or position?!?

    i could go on and on for days, but i'll restrain myself from commenting too much on her trainer (who i used to be acquainted with) and her questionable training practices. what does it matter if you're 'respecting the horses' by wearing a shirt with a collar or TS breeches if you can't be bothered to respect them by riding them appropriately? giving a loose, arrogant, ignorant novice rider a huge pair of spurs and sending her over jumps is not particularly good horsemanship.

    i hate that the industry is so geared toward people like this who want to buy their way in, rather than earn it from the ground up with hard work. but there is always a trainer out there willing to take their money and sell them the fantasy...

  8. Could that horse be any more of a saint?? I love the way he forces the lead change at about 1min30sec. . despite her being WAY off balance and not even bothering to ask for a change ;)

    I remember when I was a kid (I grew up bout a hour north of NYC) plenty snotty city girls would periodically wander up to the area with their $500 breeches and noses stuck in the air. . . .we would always just humor them and their "I want to be in a horse show after 4 weeks of riding" Someone would eventually sell them a 20+ year old, push button, oldie-but-goodie for $20K or more. . . which they would forget about in a year or two *shrug*

  9. I also thought the horse was a saint. When is it O.K. to use a standing martingale? I hate those things. He doesn't do anything to deserve it.

  10. Ha, I can't hear audio but I know what she's saying anyways.

    I love Bethany, and I hope she continues to put her in her place!

  11. I agree with everyone's comments here! The only thing I liked that she said was in the beginning, where you basically have to leave your worries at the door - because the horse doesn't care what kind of day you had, you have to be in the moment. That at least makes her sound like she does have some passion for being around horses... but I'm pretty sure the horses don't care if you're wearing a collared shirt! And I died laughing after all her talk and she merely hands her horse off to a groom. Seriously?

  12. OK, I'll try not to be too snarky but....honestly!! Hand the horse off to the groom as soon as you are finished...ah, yes, offer him the sugar cube to prove how much you appreciate him..and then talk about your Tailored Sportsman breeches? Egads! How come that's nothing like my life with horses?

    Now for more quibble. I wish, wish, wish, these so called "hunter riders" depicted would spend some time schooling and learning on the flat. It's never about the jump but all the gymnastic work to prepare the horse for the jump that really matters. I used to clean up in the hunter ring years ago because my horse was so well schooled (basic dressage) on the flat and it transferred over fences.

    Can a rant on about that martingale?

    But the horse is a sweetie. Talk about pushbutton packer! And cute too!

  13. What bugs me, is the fawning over these wanna-be's and their presentation to the general public as having a creditable level of knowledge of the intricacies of the sport. I could see her being interviewed by some entertainment magazine and printing whatever horse-related nonsense she spouts as if she'd been spending her whole life in a barn.

    If it was being played for laughs that she's full of road apples and we could laugh at it for the phony crap it is, maybe I wouldn't feel so darn catty about it.

    I caught that hand off of the horse to the groom, too. Anyone wonder if she even knows what the bottom of the horses' hoof looks like? And as for her riding? Her pinchy knees are an eyesore. Then there's her form over fences - Mr. Keebler, I think we found those chips you were looking for...

    I'll stick my neck out here and say that most of us horsey bloggers have forgotten more than this broad knows. Good for her that she enjoys riding and is trying to work at it but a dose of honest humility would go a long way to tempering my opinion of this kind of "horseman".

  14. Oh, gosh, I don't even want to think of the life she has and what I would do with it.
    Some day perhaps she will be embarrassed by realizing how much she didn't know, but you know, I kind of doubt that day will come. Oh, right, there they go, my true feelings coming out.
    Nah, heck, we just got to say, "oh, sure, whatever you say, lady, isn't it nice rubbing shoulders with horses?"

    .....hope more rubs off.

  15. let's be fair. She is doing what the stable is expecting of her. She knows enough to be impressed that there is a dress code, but who is teaching her? Would I allow a rider to wear spurs with a loose lower leg..heck no, and explain the results of that combo. If we coaches teach with our ethics and not our bank books there would be tons more horsemen out there!

  16. I think this woman is clueless and agree w/ previous posters that the horse was truly a Saint!!

  17. She makes me sick watching her ride so sloppy,What happened to the grace of the sport. I am around riders an my daughter has ridden for over 5 years, english jumping. I can ride better then Kelly, how embaressing for her....

  18. You don't show respect for your horse by wearing nice clothes!!! You show respect for you horse by wearing ancient holey jeans and rain boots pushing shavings in a crappy metal two wheel wheelbarrow through sucky sucky mud. That's respect. Not feeding your horse a damn peppermint wearing tailored sportsmans and 100$ boots. Get off you HIGH HORSE lady, and take your spurs off while your at it.


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