I'm enjoying the magazine Equine Wellness that my sister got me for Christmas, and Saturday I received this new issue. Isn't it funny how immediately the eye discerns something "not quite right"? I caught it on this cover right away. What about you guys? The first, second, and third reader to comment, correctly identifying the same thing I noticed, gets a BTB pen! Of course you'll have to give me your address via email if you win.
(I suggest you click the image to enlarge)

I'm in no position to point fingers, having had my share of typos/misspellings/improper usage. In the interest of meeting my goal of posting daily, accuracy can sometimes take the back seat. Thanks to those who have reported errors in my blog--it's much better if someone points it out so that I can correct it. You can always report errors via comments, or if you're kind enough to take the time, email me at behindthebit at gmail dot com.
Lime does not equal Lyme disease. Pretty sad that basic proof reading wasn't there though. Oh, and my email is: appychik@hotmail.com :-)
ReplyDeleteI think I'm right.
First off, the involved sentence is way too awkward. Are not magazine blurbs suppose to be catchy and short?
ReplyDelete"Acupuncture and Chiropractic"
Nouns, adjectives, and weasels, oh my!
I guess "lime" disease is something your horse gets from eating too much citrus:P
ReplyDeleteMy guess is lime should by lyme.
ReplyDeleteGood grief. "Lime" disease? Lyme disease is what I had, named after a town in Connecticut. (Hey, I just discovered Lyme disease may have actually been around since the 1700's but unidentified then.)
ReplyDeleteOk, that and the horse's mane makes him look as if he has three ears.
Looks like a good magazine other than the spelling. *G*
Fixating, PhunnieOne, send me your postal address if you'd like a pen. Email it to me within the next three days; send to behindthebit at gmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteJean, if someone doesn't respond you're the alternate!
Obviously "LIME" disease should be spelled Lyme disease. But it looks like I got here too late because I was out and about at appointments and then feeding horses and chickens...Bummer.
ReplyDeleteGeorgia Langsam
Maybe it is a disease that has licking limes as both a symptom and name?
ReplyDeleteAnd I was not sure if they were asking if the reader or the reader's horse had ulcers.
Fun contest-thanks!
Well, I saw Lime also and it made me turn green. I see that I am a late responder, but hey does the sister get a pen for sending the magazine? :) Seriously, I am happy you are enjoying it, the topics seemed fresh and photos engaging.
ReplyDeleteLime disease? Too much citrus fruit, I guess! Looks like they need to hire a proofreader!
ReplyDeleteI'm too late, but noticed the misspelling of Lyme also. They need a new proof reader!!
ReplyDeleteLime disease... I got that once from too many margaritas. I don't think it's fatal though. Thanks for the laugh this morning :)
ReplyDeleteLicking Lime Disease?? Who proofread the cover?? I think someone is in for a dressing down :)
ReplyDeleteOy! That's an editor's nightmare -- a real word, "Lime" but not the right one "Lyme". I guess that in their defense it even sounds the same.
ReplyDeleteShame on them for putting it on the cover, though!
Now if there were just a cure for Lemon disease....
I think they ment LIME/Lyme as a play on words?