Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fashion forward or fashion fugly?

Although recently my taste in footwear has been called into question ;-), I will persist in offering my opinion on shoes/boots (my own and worn by others). But before I give my opinion -- what do you think?

I would like them more, I think, worn with colors that complement the boot better than these dark taupes (breeches, shirt, saddle pad). I'd pick breeches that are lighter than the boot itself, with other riding attire in complementary colors (warm orange, beige, pink, tan/brown). Tack should ideally be brown, the horse should be chestnut, palomino, or light bay.

Just a few shades darker than this peanut butter hue -- cordovan, chocolate, even wine-colored -- I'd be all for it.


  1. I was taught to never mix browns and blacks, so no grey with tan because one is of the brown family and the other is of the black family. I may be fashion backwards, but that rule is ingrained and I can't break it.

  2. The video's been made private now but all I can say is "Dang, I wish I was wealthy enough to afford multiple pairs of nice boots that I can't show in while also supporting a horse and the rest of my expensive riding hobby!"

  3. Oooh, I like those! A wine would be beautiful. But are those allowed in competition?

    And she was standing on her tippy toes when she posted!!! Maybe I was just seeing things.... afterall, she are a far higher level than I am.

  4. I actually have a pair of cordovan field boots I used to show hunters in. Not too sure I like these for show, but they would be kind of nice for schooling.

    A quick, but not thorough search of FEI dressage rules says "black boots" for competition, but I am not 100% sure of that. She is schooling in a double bridle, but that could still be 3rd-4th level.

    Yes, Dressager...tippy toes, I agree. Stirrups are too long.

    The horses are all nice in the video, though. I love bays....

  5. these boots, with a warmish fawn breech and a white shirt, sure ya betcha. And yes, medium-brown tack. This color boot would be harder to keep clean than darker leather, though, especially in a wet climate like mine (water spatters would show like crazy on this color).

    But then, I wear PURPLE halfchaps over sneakers with purple and black biothane tack on my horse. Endurance riders take fugly to extremes that normal people never dream can actually exist in realtime/realspace. We find it amusing and attractive.

  6. Love them! And I love to mix tan with grey. Has to be the right shade, though. It can look really sharp... or really tacky.

  7. Love them, in fact I'm watching a similar pair on ebay


    Though I'm not at all convinced they are my size, they are a lovely colour!!!

    Thought your captions on the video were great!!

  8. Hmmmm, kinda fugly. For schooling sure but not for ANY kind of competition. Plus the lighter color just shows off faults in your leg.....fugly is in the eye of the beholder, so behold if you must!! : )

  9. Boots that stand out would require steady legs. Basic black for me, thanks. I don't like those boots. Particularly not with that tack, breeches or saddle pad. If I were to wear them, I'd choose chestnut tack and more creams in my pad and clothing. And I don't think I'd show in them.

  10. I think the black ones look prettier!

  11. Oh I saw her at Devon with the boots. At first I wasn't a fan, but they kind of grew on me. They must have been comfortable tho, because she was running in some in-hand classes with them. She wasn't the main handler just holding the horses when the handler was showing the other horses. She didn't show in them, she showed in the traditional black. She was a very fashionable dressed young lady and a good rider. I was actually driving home from Devon wishing I had an ounce of her fashion sense.

  12. She looked like the kind of person who could wear anything well. I really liked the tropical ride saleslady's boots, sort of a two-tone taupe and black...

  13. blech! But Id have to see them for a little while before I decided for sure. But mostly, blech, lol

  14. Ew. No.

    Someone showed up at a KHJA schooling show one time like that. Brown boots, and wide, flat bridle on the horse like European bridles. And, in Kenutcky... It was really just out of place and ugly.

  15. I think... the rider is posting off her toe! But back to the fashion aspect... eh, they look weird. Boots should be at least mostly black. I can handle the two-tone, with the brown near the top, but all-over caramel color is a bit too wild for me.

  16. Still look like polo player's boots to me. :D

  17. I know I'm a bit late on posting here, but this post has been recently linked back to.
    I lovelovelove that colour for boots! Ever since seeing this post several months ago, I've been saving up for my own pair of custom caramel coloured boots. love them! I'm only about 4 paychecks away from having enough extra in my bank account to spend the $1500 on them.
    though I agree - when could you show in them? Maybe in jumpers ...maybe. Definitely the cross-country phase of eventing.

    oh well. I just adore them though!


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