Monday, September 6, 2010

Laura Goldman, para-equestrian, deserves your support!

Over the summer I've been feeling  just a tiny bit of self-pity about Riley. My trainer does so well with him, I'm wondering "am I good enough to do this nice horse justice?" Maybe you know that thought pattern.

Well, enough of that!
If you need a reality check, like I did, read Sheri Israel's blog post about para-dressage competitor Laua Goldman and her ambition to compete at WEG. If you lament that your sitting trot isn't where it should be, or that you need a better saddle, or a better trainer,  this article will offer another perspective on personal and athletic challenges.

Thanks to Sheri for bringing Laura's story to me and others. I'm proud to be a supporter of LG and Horsebloggers will be offering a giveaway prize (or prizes) to a few lucky readers who  help  her achieve her goals [details to come soon]:

You can support Laura Goldman 
by giving to the USPEA 
and designating the gift to LAURA GOLDMAN.
clipped from

blog it

Donors: Leave a comment with your email (or identifying ID) 
if you donated to be considered for the drawing.

  According to Sheri, Laura is  is classified as a grade 1a, which is considered the most impaired level in the FEI classification scale.  But what is amazing is what she can do on a horse -- watch the video below to see what Laura has accomplished despite physical challenges.

If you donate, leave a comment saying "I DID IT!!!" 
One of you will get a great prize (if you provide me a way of contacting you!)...


  1. I did it and sent a donation.

    By the way, years ago, one of the best riding teachers I ever had told me something that's stuck with me. My horse was a really good jumper, and I once commented to her that I was not really a good enough rider to do him justice--his talent was going to waste. Her reply, "Do you think he cares? He certainly doesn't worry about that." Riley will be happy as anything to have you riding him, no matter what level he reaches. You do not "owe" him and Olympic ride and I'm sure he'll be quite happy doing whatever the two of you can share with the joy and pleasure of it all...and a carrot or two. He has no ambition beyond living a good life.

  2. Do you know if anyone has tried to contact Akiko Yamazaki on her behalf? I believe Akiko donated the use of one of her horses to a para equestrian athlete whose horse was injured.

    Just a thought, since I know Sheri's tried to contact lots of people for her.

  3. Well you know I already "DID IT!" *laugh*, but since we're donating one of the prizes I don't think I need to be entered.
    I'm so glad you posted that video; I have not seen that one before. Laura is definitely a very special lady, and I am honored to be a part of this (even if my part is really small :o)

  4. I donated! :) I do not ride dressage (would looove to find a trainer in my area), but I have started to get the local hunter community rallying for her.

    Thank you for all the updates!


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