I'm taking some flak at the barn for outfitting Riley in this new sheet -- a Weatherbeeta, pictured right. I personally love this blanket and was a little taken aback at how--er-- forthcoming people have been with their opinions. Who knew that a mere blanket could generate barn buzz.
- "Where did you get that? Why did you get that????"
- "I know why it's a limited edition [smirk]."
- "Maybe we should turn him out in one of the back pastures."
These are the remarks I'm hearing, imagine what's going on out of earshot. Okay, Okay, it's a little bright -- but I loved it from the moment I saw it. My response to the commenters?
Bahhh! Take a hike haters, Riley is Absolutely Fabulous in his new threads.
I heartily agree that it is a blanket not many horses can wear. But Ri has the panache to carry it off. It fits his personality and his boyish charm. Truly, he is the Austin Powers of the equine world.
Nuf said on the matter. Except that it leads to an interesting question...
If Riley is Austin Powers, what celebrity or famous person is your horse most like?
Harvey, I think, was John Travolta, but now that he's older, there's a little Abe Lincoln thrown in. Maybe Colin Powell.
I love the sheet, although I personally could not wear horizontal stripes:) Just tell everyone he's gay.
ReplyDeleteWell I love it, and I think Miles would be jealous:) Riley looks fabulous. I dunno who Miles would be...some kind of lazy, smart-alek prankster, I think:)
ReplyDeletehaha he certainly looks very austin powers! i like to think oscar's juuust like adam lambert, but that could be, and most probably is, wishful thinking!
ReplyDeletehe's more of a rugby player type if i'm honest!
I love it!
ReplyDeleteI love it!
ReplyDeleteI love it!
ReplyDeleteI love it. :) I would have outfitted the new 17hh Moose with it if it were a higher Denier... 600 just doesn't cut it in our gang!
ReplyDeleteI love this sheet, one of the mares at my barn has one, its SO cute.
ReplyDeleteThe owner of the mare in question is the "leather halters, navy blankets, and white saddle pads" type, and she was HORRIFIED. But a rainsheet is a rainsheet, so Diva wears it anyway.
Jack looks terrible in patterns (whhhyy!!), he's a b&w paint with roan spots in his white patches, so he goes in blue. And Jack thinks he's Angelina Jolie, I havee'nt the heart he's a boy with out a few bits. LMAO!!!
I love the sheet! High profile and certainly visible. You'll be able to find Riley in the herd and he is not likely to be mistaken for a deer in that get up.
ReplyDeleteActually, I've seen numerous new designer sheets and honestly think it's fun. Horse people tend to be far too conservative...I mean, white breeches and black coats?
I think it looks real pretty!
ReplyDeleteHey, it's not up to others to decide what you can and can't put on your horses, is it? He looks fine in that blanket.
ReplyDeleteYou can count me as a hater, but I can see an advantage - no one will ever be able to swipe it!
ReplyDeleteI love it. Greta sports her hot pink plaid sheet during the day and pink camo blanket during the night, so I can reason with you on wanting something fun and cute. We want our horses to look fabulous everywhere else, so why not the pasture too?
ReplyDeleteI like to imagine Greta Golightly as an equine Audrey Hepburn, bold and feminine and beautiful and talented. But that might just be for my sake.
Riley looks totally smashing!!
ReplyDeleteAnon, the notion that it is coveted enuf to steal is a compliment :-).
ReplyDeleteDressager, I think there is a little Audrey Hepburn in every female.
Riley looks totally smashing!
ReplyDeleteI like to think my horse, Jay, is the Brad Pitt of the horse. He's a very athletic, bright red, flashy, versatile, metrosexual TWH! My farrier, however, when presented with my theory, likened Jay to Tom Cruise - good looking but a little on the short side...Jay is 15.1 - lol!
ReplyDeleteI love that sheet! They're just jealous their horse can be a cool kid!
ReplyDeleteAck! My retinas are singed! LOL! So not my style but Riley appears to be rocking it. Hmmm, my 20 yr. old GP horse is definitely Bono in an equine suit, whereas the 4 year old mare is Angelina Jolie <--not a fan btw!
ReplyDeleteI love the sheet. Weatherbeeta's have the best patterns.
ReplyDeleteMy car is a dark gold color, which I like to call metallic mustard. I love it, but some people cannot stand the color. This kinda makes me like it more. Riley's blanket is great. I like the color combination, because it is unexpected and it does look good on him.
ReplyDeleteI was trying to think of something cute for my horse's celebrity comparison, but really he is just my black stallion.
It's fun! And what more reason do you need for anything with horses than fun? (As long as no one is injured/at risk due to it, of course.)
ReplyDeleteTucson... I hate to say it as I adore him, but he's kind of Simon Cowell. If Simon had a sense of humor - he's very funny, but he's EXTREMELY prissy and diva-esque. I joke that he's a Dressage Queen/Diva so I don't have to be!
I think Bella would be a younger Molly Ringwold (breakfast club, 16 candles, etc). She's pretty in her own right and very sweet, most everyone likes her. However, (and this is the "un-Molly" part), she can also be quite snippy. I don't know which celeb that would be, but on those days or those points, she kinda reminds me of me. Nice and sweet, until you catch her on a bad day or piss her off... watch out! :)
ReplyDeleteI think the blanket is cute and I like the colors in the pic, as opposed to the ads of it. Personally, I'm looking for the brown with pink polka dots for the diva! I think Riley looks great in it with his coloring!
Love it! One of the big eventers on my yard has a turnout rug that says 'Born to Roll' :-)
ReplyDeleteI love mustard, almost as much as terracotta!!!
ReplyDeleteI personally LOVE his new blanket! Chestnuts can pull off any color:) As for Antarius...I believe his celebrity is a mix of Sean Connery and Ryan Reynolds. Anty is suave...due to his 17 years...and a goof/character in the barn:)
ReplyDeleteMy horse is sort of Reese Witherspoon, which is funny, because I don't like Reese. But I love my horse!
ReplyDeleteI've seen those around. I wouldn't get one for my girl, but I'm certainly not judging those who want them.
ReplyDeleteInstead, I'd get her a flaming red checked turnout I saw last season. Gorgeous on her black coat!
And I thought I was taking a fashion risk with the blue Newmarket striped Rambo...
ReplyDeleteBut hey, no one will dang sure steal it. And Riley is safe from deer hunters!
All these posts are making me rethink my answer. I decided my horse is a cross between Alex Rodriquez (super athletic, tall and lean, good looking and believes himself a ladies' man) and Jack Black - goofy, funny, off the wall, and perhaps a bit too hyper.
ReplyDeletewho cares what they say?!!! your horse, your blanket!! i love it!! :)
Tucker is Kramer (from Seinfeld), no doubt in my mind.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I like that blanket a lot more on Riley than I do in the catalogs. I'm personally lusting after the Weatherbeeta turnout sheet that's chocolate with pale blue trim. So pretty....
For some reason, I'm thinking Kieran a bit like Owen Wilson. A big dorkygoofy and "interestinglooking" rather than classically handsome.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think?
(also, I think Riley's new sheet is pretty awesome, myself.)
Well, I love the blanket! I think the others are just jealous because you bought one first, and now they can't because that would be 'copying' you.
ReplyDeleteMy horse Shadow would be Sandra Bullock, like in the Miss Congeniality movies. She appears quiet, and sweet, not everyone thinks she is pretty, but she can bust loose and surprise you with her athleticism. She can also be very stubborn.
my mare India is definatly Cameron Diaz :)
ReplyDeletebeautiful and sassy!!
I'm digging the blanket. But who knows how you should take that considering I think padlocks and mohawks are fashionable, haha.
ReplyDeleteMy boy Simmy is definatly Chunk from the Goonies. Chubby, loves food, and always gets yelled at for being clumsy. And Blu would be Bon Jovi, short, show off, and a cute butt XD.
Well I wouldn't buy it, but it would sure avoid my winter issue of trying to find a black horse wearing a black blanket in the dark! Squeaker is Cleopatra -- a dark-haired, dark-eyed beauty, queen of all she surveys, who will betray and sentence you to death in an instant with a flick of her ear to preserve her power.
ReplyDeleteWell on the bright side (and I mean that literally!), no one will steal it, and you'll always be able to find your horse in a crowd!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, that blanket is GORGEOUS. I would totally have bought it for my Puffin (if I still had a pony.) I always had a fabulous outfit for him, though. Haters gonna hate. Too bad they just don't have the class you and Riley have...
ReplyDeleteI like the new blanket!
ReplyDeleteI love it! And during DLS, when you go to find your horse in the dark, you won't mistakenly grab the wrong horse in the same dark blue/grey/green sheet.