Monday, October 31, 2011

Sitting in the dark with my cats

I'm glad I prep posts several days in advance. No power at home no power at work, I'm sitting in the dark with my cats right now. This halloween picture comes to you from my droid. A little later I'll go to the gym I joined today  just so I can take a shower. I maybe a little late moderating comments - bear with me!

Riley' at BHCP: The Photo Series

The next 7-8 days will be unadulterated self-indulgence and vanity. Pix of me. And Riley.

I just love this photo--it's just nice, of both of us, if I do say so myself...

More to come!
Where are my manners?
I really should give a shout out to Stephen Crowers who took many lovely photos of Riley and I. SEE for more.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A special kind of hypochondria

A friend of mine has been worried about her brother -- he was having what looked like neurological problems -- shuffling gait, slurred speech, etc., and my friend was concerned about Lou Gehrig's disease. Recently the family learned it was a mild stroke and very treatable.

My friend was in my thoughts, so maybe this is why, walking to a meeting today, I was alarmed to feel myself dragging my left foot. I tried to correct it, but my foot just didn't seem to want to place itself straight, and my heel was dragging as I walked forward. I worried. I fretted. I put it behind me till after work. As I walked to the car at 5:30 pm tonight, I felt mounting panic as I felt myself walking funny, and hearing a distinctive brushing sound as my foot drug against the floor of the parking garage. Even so, I was in a hurry to get to the barn. I put it out of my mind. I put on my boots and rode, and forgot all about it. Back in the tack room, I unzipped my boots and reached for my shoes.

Oh. That explains it...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nerve blocks: A good, clear description...

This procedure was always a mystery to me. Here is a nice description courtesy of Google Books...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Man' O War: Lovin' the old footage

I remember reading everything I could about this grand horse when I was younger. Was surprised to stumble on this footage of the Big Red the retiree...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Feliway: A diffuser or a defuser -- maybe both!

I was upset when Bob called to tell me that he wanted to take Newman back to the cat shelter -- I am  fond of our new cat, and even if I wasn't, he'd been at that shelter four years. That's enough. I also got Bob's point that Newman was stalking and chasing our first cat, Red Kitka (RK). Things had been improving, slowly, but for about 2 weeks it seemed like we'd hit a point where we were likely to stay. Newman chasing RK, RK running in fear, then slinking around the house from hiding place to hiding place.

We had soft claws on Newman; we were doing some behavior modification (gentle redirection); we were being supportive. Now what? Did I want to fight with Bob about this? No.

I ordered Feliway in desperation. Really I didn't think it would matter, I'm not one to trust ads or testimonials, and there didn't seem to be a lot of research. But it was something I could tell Bob I was doing, and it would buy me and Newman some time. I had it Fedexed, I put it together, and plugged it in. Here is what I noticed...
  • I was using a plug near a cat perch that Newman used. He often used it as a vantage point to stalk RK. Not the first day, but within a few days, I noticed he was spending more time on that perch, and more significantly, he was sleeping on the perch. Not stalking.
  • There were a few more cat chasing incidents after I plugged in the diffuser, nothing notable, but more of the same. Then, well, nothing.
  • It's been a week. Neither Bob nor I have seen any significant fighting or chasing behavior. They have interacted at the feed bowl (a territorial zone) very pleasantly, and they walk past each other now without Newman showing interest in the chase.
Would the situation have improved anyway? I can't know. What I do know is that we seemed to hit a plateau in agression levels, a plateau that was not acceptable. And within a few weeks of installing the diffuser things have improved to a point we can live with.  The stalking has not been totally eliminated -- yet -- but it is far less intense, and infrequent to the point of being gone.

I got the diffuser for less than $30 and things are better. While I can't say for sure it's the diffuser, it was sure worth $30 to try it.
Taken about 10 days after Feliway was installed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ponies: How can something so cute be so naughty?

A local dressage barn north of where I live has had a banner year, with many of their boarders cleaning up with the ESDCTA year-end awards and earning USDF medals. Maybe this success is part of the reason they graciously permitted me to share these photos of the "dressage out-takes." This talented but sometimes naughty pony is skillfully piloted around the ring by this young rider. Look how soft she stays through all of these antics!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ri and I: Our first "away game"

Ri eyes the green grass while I try to snap this shot solo.
We went to our first "away game" Saturday -- the adult team competition was held in conjunction with a recognized show but the team classes were not recognized. I had expressed misgivings about being in Intro level early in the week, but as I predicted I was pretty happy on Saturday to have the reduced expectations of Intro level. It was cold and windy and a lot of horses were getting the wind in their tail and acting goofy.

Ri was a good boy. Easygoing, attentive, calm, and tolerant, he was my dream-horse for the entire day, except that while we were waiting near the ring to go in, he started grinding his teeth. Thankfully he stopped when we went in the ring.

We got a 71.250% for fifth place in Intro B, and a 68% in Intro C (second place). Our team was reserve champion for our division, and Ri got a reserve champion high point ribbon for the Intro C test. At least that's what I think it is; I was not able to stay for the awards presentation.

Bob did not come to this show, and my backup videographer had difficulty with the video for my second test. Anyway, here is Intro B. I have no recollection of the dramatically cut corner as we turn past the judge at the start of our test. I do remember leg yielding down the center line after overshooting A by about ten feet.

I was not quite sure how to approach Intro level, whether I should just go for what I perceive to be an intro level frame or try to ride on more contact. I decided to try to focus more on just getting him forward and not put him into a frame.  That head-bob persists when we go to the right, and he has to be really confirmed in the contact before it goes away. In retrospect I think it would have been better to get him in front of my leg a bit more, and ride on more contact.I notice too that my hands could be steadier and more even.

Intro C was a bit better in my opinion -- he felt more up, and steadier in the bridle. However, the canter work -- that miniscule amount of canter in this test -- was problematic. I had trouble getting it AND holding it, and lost it on BOTH canter circles. Imagine if we hadn't messed up--our scores might have crested 70%. Our trot diagonal was  nice though. I can't wait to see the score sheet, will share it with you, good, bad, or ugly.

I had been nervous about this away show, and I got addled in both tests. Ri was right there for me and I just didn't come through with the goods -- this time.  I'd like to show a lot more next year--there's always next year!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

They swear the horses loved it

When I was little I read A girl and five brave horses -- the story of the Atlantic City diving horses that started in the early 20th century and ended in the seventies. Yes, the photos of those tiny figures plummeting into a water tub was poignant and moving for an 8 year old horse lover. By golly that IS brave, whether you think it's a advisable or not. And, by the way-- it's. not. advisable.

That's entertainment... Really?
Even to my child's imagination--an imagination that welcomes the horse as the center of almost any activity--this seemed like a bizarre and pointless sort of entertainment.

Yep. The best part about that book was the title.

I don't know what to make of the girl riders either. THEY got hurt alot, even if their horses didn't. The   riders swore the horses loved their job, and you can hardly prove otherwise from the videos.

There was a movie on the subject, Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken, which unlike the book is a crappy title. Has anyone seen it?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Scenes from a marriage, #5

Note to self. Marital bliss is not a 24/7 state of mind...

 Husand: Can I talk to you a minute?

Wife: What's up?

Husband: Did you leave this grape in the sink?

Wife: Yes.

 Husband: I just cleaned the sink.

Wife: It is still clean.  A grape is a skin-covered, contained unit.

Husband: What am I supposed to do with this?

Wife: It can stay where it is, I think.

Husband: No, I have to move it. You left it there, knowing someone would have to move it.

Wife: I didn't really leave it there with any particular intent or forethought.

Husband: Exactly. Next time, THINK about the consequences.


Wife:  Okay. [thinks to self: Dude, I have no regrets].

Tomorrow: Horse show report :-)

Friday, October 21, 2011

A picture can make you cry

I sometimes fantasize about getting professional shots taken with my horses -- but then I recall that I just don't photograph well (not the dazzling vision that I'm am in person, see?). That said, I LOVE seeing horse/rider/owner photos that show a connection between the horse and the person. These were part of my Facebook stream this morning. What can I say? The photos speak for themselves. Thanks to Fire and Earth photography for letting me share these with you. I believe this is Cassie Barteau. There are also some awesome shots of Yvonne Barteau on the FE Facebook page.

© Photo by

© Photo by

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Intro B and C? Oh. I suppose.

My inner grump says: Damned if you win, damned if you don't.
 At this Saturday's LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON I've been slotted to do Intro level B and C, not Training 1 and 2 as I had planned. I'm bummed. Why?

  • Riley is a nice horse, and he's not that green. He's overqualified for Intro level.
  • While I'm no Isabel Werth, I'm relatively experienced at showing. It ain't my first rodeo and I don't get show nerves.
  • I have always viewed Intro Level as sort of the bunny slope of dressage. It's for folks getting started.
I don't mean to complain -- it's just the way the cookie crumbled with the LVDA Adult team this year.  It's no one's fault. This year the Adult Team competition was nearly cancelled; then there was a change of venue; and through a Herculean effort on the part of our Adult Team coordinator, we piggybacked on a recognized show at the Bucks County Horse Park. There were certain restrictions in what classes are allowed and how to put together the teams. This is how it ended up.

If I sound like a snob, I don't mean to. I'm sure some folks feel that way about training  level, or the lower levels. Win or lose, I'll feel like sort of a goof.
  • If I do well, I feel crappy for snatching ribbons away from people who are legit Intro level riders--those that are really are less experienced or who are on less experienced horses.
  • If I do badly on my nicely bred, professionally trained, good-minded warmblood, well, THAT'S embarrassing isn't it?
I know people that consistently show one level below where they really are to get the good ribbons. I'd rather do less well at higher levels, so long as my scores are decent.

I think Saturday am I'll feel more grateful to be in Intro level classes. But for now, I'll let myself feel a little grumpy -- just a little. But in the end I tip my hat to of all the work and effort others have put into getting our team into this competition in the first place! Bless them all, because I didn't think it would be possible, and they made it happen through sheer force of will!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Riley and the Spook-o-rama

Riley went to Bucks County Horse Park Sunday. It was a beautiful, beautiful day, 65 degrees, breezy, and blue skies marked by fast-moving clouds in varying shades of white and grey.

My friend Heather trailered us, and  had checked the Bucks County Horse Park web site to make sure there were no events going on (I was at a conference). When we spoke, she said, "Oh, there's some 4-H thing." No big deal.

We got off the trailer and as we walked up the path to the rings, we crossed paths with two riders. One was riding her horse in a  full billowing white wedding, veil fluttering in the wind. Her companion was a pirate in a sparkly purple vest. I gripped the lead rope like death, but Riley wasn't too concerned.

Behind them was someone I knew, jogging toward the parking lot.  She waved and smiled but said,  "Gotta run, there's a rider down and we're waiting for the ambulance."

"What's going on??? Geez!" I said. "Spook-o-rama," was Heather's reply. As we crested the small incline, we saw the rings were full of people in costume -- prisoners, fairies, bees, mice, the Incredible Hulk, several of them jumping fences at what I'd call a gallop. I was particularly impressed by the prison uniform which included, oddly, a black and white striped cape that whipped smartly as they cantered past.

This got Ri's attention, but he still didn't react. You could see he was taking it all in, not sure what to make of it.  Heather went to retrieve the tack while I led Riley around the ring.  One ring was sparsely populated, with two small kids walking white ponies, farting around, bored, and not really looking after their ponies so much as playing. I chose that ring over the spookfest jumping ring. At times the kids left the ponies were left unattended in the ring with me and Ri. This annoyed me, but what do you do?

As we tacked Riley up near the gate, an unassuming looking bay was being led by his owner -- no costume -- but suddenly Ri was on full alert. He called to the horse and started kicking out, which is his MO when he is getting excited.

I decided to lunge him, and sent him out on the line, with no side reins. He made a couple of spectacular leaps in the air. The mother of the two kids with ponies collected them pretty fast and took them out of the ring. "Good," I thought. "They're safer."  But Riley had gotten everything out of his system and he was now ready to work. He trotted beautifully, cantered without much fuss, and I got on.

He was good, and even ignored the ambulance speeding past with lights and siren. We walked/trotted/cantered for about 15 minutes. Then I walked him past the dressage arenas. Then we left.

When I got home I told Bob about "Spook-o-rama."

His comment: "A horse event should never have 'Spook' in the title."

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hi All -- as promised I'm so happy to partnering with designer Kimberly of Enter at A Browbands to offer a bling browband giveaway! Kimberly made the browband shown on the right but she will will create a custom black or brown browband for the winner. All readers need to do to enter is:
  1. Go to the Enter at A Facebook page (click on the Win a Browband image on right to get there.)
  2. Like her page.
  3. Say what blog you heard about the contest from, and why you'd like a browband. 
If you or your readers don't have a Facebook account you can leave a comment with the needed info in my blog.

If you promote the blog, Kimberly will give you $30 off a custom browband plus free shipping( so would be $65 unless you want Swarovski or sterling silver). 

Need more motivation? Take a look at Kimberlys's sample browbands.

The contest ends on October 25th. Winner is announced shortly thereafter.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Riley's Weatherbeeta banket, the full impact

In the evening light the color is a bit muted, but you get the idea. Here he is touching noses with Gareth, one of the elder statesmen of our farm. So handsome!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another great turnout blanket from Weathabeeta

I just got this "retro swirl" turnout blanket for Ri and Harv - yes, two blankets. I just love the design. The look is from Weathabeeta, and you can buy the design from Dover, Smartpak, and Equestrian Collections.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

On again, off again. Conflict about kitties.

When they're good they're very very good.
I was at a conference last week in Pittsburgh. Bob called -- he wants to take Newman back. We had a pretty tense, calm conversation about this. I'm baffled. When I am home in the evening, things are pretty calm and at times very friendly.

Bob is home in the morning, and sees a different side of their relationship. He is witnessing a lot of cat stalking, chasing, and general disharmony, and it's upsetting. I understand this, but I also think he is identifying a little too strongly with RK. It's true that RK is not as comfortable in the house, and that he is being bullied, but it has only been a month.

Bob has a point. I have a point. We don't usually see things so differently, so I'm not sure what to do with this honest difference of opinions where neither of us can find common ground. Neither of us  is wrong, but I am campaigning for more time. 

So what we have is some marital conflict. And I fear for Newman. I wish I could tell him he needs to change! He is a great cat, and he's got four years of cat shelter socializing to overcome. It would kill me to take him back. I don't think I can do it.

More time. I think that will solve everything.

Friday, October 14, 2011

So how's my Ri?

Riley last night trying on his new blanket 
Sorry I have not done a Ri update for a bit--thanks for the reminder McFawn.

Ri is good. I have been riding him 3-4 times a week, cautiously, and always a little bit wondering "Does he feel okay? Is he sound?" I went away to a conference last week and had a trainer ride him. My heart was in my throat when I called to ask how things went -- but she told me he felt great and she worked his tail off. I sang in the car all the way home after we talked.

SO, he is sound -- and well-behaved despite very sporadic turnout due to bad weather.

As far as our riding progress? I think I'm figuring things out, slowly. One dilemma is that when trainers ride him, he is much rounder, and much more elevated, and more willingly forward, than when I ride. When I ride I get a decent hunter frame, but not lift, and not the sparkle. And it is VERY hard to get him forward. It's all me. 

A trainer tidbit helps me
My adult team trainer told me three things that no one else had really said, at least not as emphatically as she did...
  • Sit more FORWARD (huh? I thought I needed to sit back?). Forward, up, stretched, but shoulders over hips.
  • Land in the saddle lightly.
  • Loosen up the thighs. Pretend you're fluffing a pillow with your thighs.
 I'm paying attention to these three things. I stretch up and forward, and this helps me land more toward the front of the saddle when I sit, and to cushion my landing with my thighs. It also lengthens my spine and give my core a bit more emphasis. It's helping -- and Ri becomes much more forward, the instant I stretch up and forward. Thanks to my adult team trainer!

What's next?An "away game!"
The Next Big Thing for Ri is our adult team competition on Oct. 22.  It's outside, at our local horse park--and I have not ridden Ri outside since July. With the rain, he is not going out much either. So I'm not sure what to expect in the wide, open spaces of the Bucks County Horse Park, on a brisk fall day, with new sights and sounds.

I'll have to put on the big girl pants and ride him off the property. I'm trying not to think about it. We'll just deal with it when we get to the Horse Park.

I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

How horse-obsessed are you/we?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Appendix QH: Whozya daddy and mommy cuz you're special!

Wow, what great cadence and rhythm in this one -- I was so sure this would be a warmblood cross but its a Quarter Horse X TB...

Monday, October 10, 2011

What just happened? Appy makes snap decision

What a cute little app, and what a great moment. Apps get a bad rap, but the ones I've encountered have been good rides. The worst I can say is they have a strong sense of their own good judgement. I admire the rider's ability to go with the flow. This is something I predict will one day happen to Ri and I. He can sometimes blow through my outside hand and leg...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Reason #9,467 to wear a helmet

Kitka update: At 7pm, Newman chased RK into a corner and they batted at each other, hissing/yowling and carrying on. I was bummed. At 10pm, they were both on  the bed with me, RK asleep, and Newman went over to RK and started licking his ear.  RK did not even wake up. They're working it out.

Some of the smartest people I know ride without helmets. I can't understand it. The argument I hear is "I wear a helmet on unfamiliar horses." Well, here is a perfect example of why that is specious reasoning. Go to the 40 second mark to see...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The couch, apparently, is Switzerland

This photo was taken Friday, yesterday. I know they are lying together in ALL of the photos, but who wants pix of cats fighting?

They do still fight--but they're mellowing. Increasingly they are neutral territories where they can be together, and the couch has always been the Switzerland of our home regions. They are learning to co-exist, but the kitchen, the bedroom, and the porch are contested territories. They also both like to be around us and will lie within inches of each other, as the do here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Exquis Nadine freestyle

Every so often I run across a freestyle that I can show to my non-horsey friends, knowing that they'll "get it." Here is one from 2009, Hans Peter Minderhoud and Exquis Nadine. Sixteen-year-old Nadine retired in August of this year after riding Grand Prix for five years. She will be a broodmare now.

At the time of the announcement, Hans Peter pointed out that the decision to retire Exquis Nadine was only finalised recently, and it wasn't an easy one to make. But, along with the mare's owners, he had been thinking about it for a while. "She's done such a lot" he pointed out, "she needed an extra page in her passport because she had travelled so much around the world!"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's getting better all the time

Dare I say it? After 4-5 days of touch and go, hissing/spitting/chasing, and RK living in fear, things are calming down. We used the squirt bottle and I wielded a damp towel at Newman once, so there should be no doubt in Newman's mind where we stand on bullying.
FINALLY, there seems to be begrudging acceptance. A cat dancer was our inspired strategy (when in doubt, buy a cat toy). It may have helped them find something in common, or maybe it was the passage of time, or maybe the chase just wasn't as fun. Occasionally Newman will start showing stalking behavior, but now RK is more used to it. He no longer slinks around the house hugging the wall with eyes the size of dinner plates.  Chases, when they occur, are short-lived and without hissing/yowling. They're sniffing each other and walking away on occasion. I am encouraged.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I can dream, can't I?

Heather Blitz has now endorsed Samshield Helmets -- actually their one of her sponsors -- and I went to their Web site to check out their wares.

OMGoodness., these helmets are so cool, and there is an online tool (the "configurator") that lets you create a custom helmet with all sorts of options. Take a look at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Check Back Oct. 18 for the BLING BROWBAND GIVEAWAY!

This is my browband, giveaway is for a custom band.
This is a teaser: On Oct. 18, I'll be doing what I feel is my best giveaway EVER -- in part because the prize is so near and dear to my heart:

A CUSTOM-DESIGNED bling browband, and entering to win is easy! To the right and below are pix of a browband I commissioned from the designer. She is reasonably priced and the browband is gorgeous. Details to come...

Oh, and if you are a blogger and help promote the contest, you'll get $30 off a custom browband plus free shipping (total cost is under $75). Leave a comment and your blog URL you if you'd like to participate.
I love the spacers and the little flower spacers on the side are a lovely detail.

Monday, October 3, 2011

VW ad -- what a hoot!

I like this ad. You know what it means to me? It's how I would love to ride a horse that makes me feel small. Being five feet ten inches is a drag when you love horses. I can only really ride about 15% of the total horse population, size-wise. I'd love to ride a pony, and I'd love to feel like the rider in this ad...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Turn for the worse

Taken a week or so ago. They would not do this now.
I tend to write ahead a few days -- I'm sorry if the timing of these posts about Newman are confusing. Just a few days ago I was writing humorous stuff about Newman and Red Kitka. Now things have changed, and the posts don't accurately represent the timing of all of this.

Will it shock you to hear that there is now real drama with the cats? I'm worried about Newman and Red Kitka. In the last few days, the overtures have turned into chasing and more agression. The fights are brief but intense. Red Kitka is hiding much of the time, and there is tension when they are in the same room. Bob is beside himself. Newman continues to be loving and wonderful with us.  When he sits in my lap, my heart just breaks.

We're continuing to monitor and trying to encourage good behavior. Bob has agreed to give Newman time, but it upsets him to see the cats fight. I tell myself it has only been three weeks, but really there has been no change in about a week. In fact it seems worse, and RK seems to expect the agression and avoid it by making himself scarce.

I feel physically nauseous when I contemplate taking Newman back. He is a good cat, and I truly don't see how he could live in a roomful of cats and the shelter yet not be able to live with our little, non-agressive cat. Newman clearly thinks he is in heaven, he has no idea what his behavior means to his ability to stay. I can't contemplate taking him back -- I just can't -- but Bob has a say in this too, and his words are "Red Kitka was here first." 

It's funny how things like this can become so larger-than-life. I'm not stressing about Darfur, the economy, or great injustice. I'm losing sleep over my red cats...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Black and white photo

Too cute not to share, Sergio Vezzoni posted it to the public on FB, so I downloaded it. Riding that ragged edge of copyright infringement, but...

Photo from Sergio Vezzoni