Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Christmas idea #1, The Dressage Chronicles journal

If you remember my review of Dressage Chronicles, you know that I'm a huge fan. Well, just in time for Christmas author Karen McGoldrick has released a training journal -- ample writing space  complemented by thoughtful articles by Karen and photos by Selene Scarsi.

At less than $20, what a great gift it would make, as would the novel at $24.95. You can order both for $39.95 at

On a personal note, I'm very pleased that Karen is having so much success with this book. It's a book I wish I could have written -- as a  blogger that writes everything slapdash, I can appreciate this novel's style and humor and authenticity.  And she is a "real" rider too, with a riding life apart from the whole book thing.


  1. Loved this book. Is she going to write more.

  2. I read it based on your recc, and enjoyed it! It was good!


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