Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cartoon FEI pony! I want I want...

This pony reminds me of a certain cartoon animal from The Lion King. Anyone care to guess which one? He is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. I want I want.


  1. He's a little too built up in the front for my liking, but yes- very cute!

  2. When i watch him move i see pumba lol adorable.

  3. Many things to like in that video. First, the rider is wearing a helmet and has an excellent seat--she looks very natural and comfortable aboard this guy.

    Second, I like how they show all the movements he does first on one rein, then on the other. He's not truly confirmed at all the exercises--flying changes are still a work in progress as are the walk pirouettes--but he certainly is well on his way and very nicely presented.

    Third, he is "as cute as a bug," that's for sure. And what a lovely attitude he has!

    He would be a really fun addition to my barn, that's for sure.

  4. I'm thinking Pumba too, but a prettier version.

  5. I love the decorated Christmas tree in the arena! And the pony is super cute!

  6. Adorable! However, he appears to have a bit of a cresty neck which is a pre-disposer of lamanitis and equine metabolic syndrome.

  7. That's a cutie. He looks versatile and an easy keeper!

  8. I agree with Kate--not crazy about his head or neck, but he IS cute and very obedient.

    Loved the heart clipped on his left hip, too ;o)

    What is that music?

  9. Happy 50th! Hope you have a fabulous day!!

  10. His mohawk style mane makes his somewhat heavy neck seem worse, but he is cute.

  11. He's adorable, but he looks like getting a saddle to fit him would be a nightmare. I also agree that he's suspiciously cresty. I've had the wide-backed, hard-to-fit pony with a cresty neck. Never matter how adorable the pony in question might be!


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