Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Cleaning 2012

I should have taken a "before" picture, but...


  1. Hi Bob. I wonder the same thing about myself. I will happily shovel manure and sweep aisles at the barn whereas pushing a vacuum at home seems way too much effort. I keep telling my husband that I would do better if he'd let me keep a pony in the house...

  2. Uhm, because there is no horse in the house. *G*

  3. Lol, isn't that the truth. You could put Wade in for Bob, be the exact same thing. In fact we had this conversation this morning, lol. But I'm busy in the house!! On the computer!!! lol

  4. Who lives in the little stall behind Bob?

  5. That would be Skippy the Donkey -- Harv's sidekick when it is too wet for Riley to go on turnout. Skippy has been the subject of previous blogs.

  6. Because Riley and Harv live here.
    Is there anything else I can help you with?

  7. Haha! I keep my horses at home and nothing looks organized!

  8. That is so funny!! And so true!! I can't seem to get around to keeping my house clean either, but at the barn, I love to clean!!

  9. Somehow I just don't think Bob understands. Horsework and housework are not the same. The dishes just don't give us all the same warm fuzzies a wet horse does.


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