Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You'll laugh, you'll cry...

I don't know what this video is, exactly, but Bob and I watched it and laughed till there were tears in our eyes. All of the contrived youtube videos hoping to go viral are trumped by this random series of events (unexplained). Thanks to eventingnation.com for sharing...


  1. OMG. Hysterical! I love the end where the ostrich gets chased away.

    1. Me too, I love how it goes out of frame chasing and comes back in getting its comeuppance.

  2. Actually, ostriches are dinosaurs--they have a claw on their feet like the raptors in Jurassic Park and they can eviscerate a person. The guy kicking the ostrich isn't much more evolved, in my opinion. I realize he's protecting his child, but what is he doing letting his kid ride a donkey in the same pen with an ostrich in the first place?

  3. oh man - that is funny. I won't say at what point I cracked up cause I don't want to spoil it... :-)

  4. Between the laughs, I have to admit I was wondering what in the world the parents were thinking putting the little kid in that situation in the first place?

  5. Bahahah!!! Thanks for the laugh!

  6. Really...you think that's funny? Who lets a child ride where there is an ostrich loose. Don't people know how dangerous they can be.And as far as the father kicking the ostrich, don't get me started. Not funny to me.

  7. Hmmm... very careless have an ostrich and a little girl on a pony together in the same field! Either one or the other will give chase. Banner, my evil black childhood pony, would have chased both the ostrich and the donkey, then turned on me. He was a tough one. I hope they put the girl right back on the pony. This pony actually behaved pretty well under the circumstances, notice he doesn't run away but sticks around after she falls. He wasn't too panicked, the girl lost control and fell off. Probably because the pony is so round. Ah I remember trying to keep a grip on round shetlands... The pony did not take advantage of the situation to bolt and dump his small cargo. Yup, ponies are great animals.

  8. That is a riot! I didn't start cracking up / crying until the guy comes back on screen kicking the ostrich's butt! Hahaha!

  9. Wow. That is simultaneously hilarious and not funny at all. Am I evil to say I laughed until the tears flowed too? I dunno.

    It's got me to thinking about how my horses would react to a charging ostrich. Hmm. Maybe I need to desensitize. Then again, how often does one really come across a random ostrich in a riding arena??? At a dressage show? On a trail ride?

    Okay, I just got images of a random ostrich at a dressage show. Find me a video of THAT and I will pay you in pure gold!!!!!!! Talk about a LOL moment ...

  10. Sorry, this did not engage my sense of humour. A distraught, crying little girl who ends up falling off her pony. And very likely now terrified of ostriches. Poor kid. And, the parents post to YouTube?!

  11. I think the donkey was coming in to save the day.

  12. I agree Friesianwelshx, I laughed but it isn't funny.
    I had a Rhode Island Red rooster, a breed well known for agressive roosters. He who was a super pet for about two years, he followed me everywhere, ate out of my hand, marshalled the hens in a orderly fashion. Then he turned psychotic. He attacked his own hens, literally pulled a hunk of flesh out of one of them. A good rooster protects his hens and watches for hawks, but he was so busy attacking the hens AND ME that he never noticed the hawks getting the hens. It's been two years since I put that crazy rooster in the stewpot and I still have a scar on my leg from when he attacked me. (The new rooster is doing great .) So, the commenters concerns about the ostrich in the video are valid. And I'm not worried that the man booted the ostrich.
    I think they know better now and the kid can safely ride that pony, who looks like a good sport in the video.


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