Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tired of Training Level: Last show of the season

Note: I'm out of town this week so you may see a little less text and commentary as I'm out and about with mom and dad in Indiana...

I'm officially sick of training level, and I can only imagine how these videos must bore the crap out of you, the reader. Bob missed the first test, Training Level 2 and I got a 70.5%. He videotaped the second test, Training 3. We got a 66.something% from Heather Mason, my dressage hero. Would have liked to wow her, but it was not in the cards. I do like Ri's forwardness, but the contact is not there.
I don't know if I will be able to swing first level if I don't make serious progress this winter.

  Excuses excuses...
To be fair, I'd been out of town the week before this show, and when I went out to ride the day before the show Ri had been vaccinated a few days before -- he was not quite himself so I didn't ride much (no cantering). I doubt it really mattered, after doing the test sooooo many times this summer...


  1. I feel your pain! I'm reschooling a rescue and we seem to be eternally stuck in Intro, due to other life-consuming circumstances. Sigh. We'll both move up someday, right????

  2. Your horse looks hunter bred. Moves more like a hunter.

  3. Yep, he's not really in a dressage frame here, either. That said, his breeding is dressage (donnerhall and rubenstein) but they are older sires and their action is not as round as some of the more modern horses. Trainers also tell me when they are using their engine more, the front end action rounds up.

    1. Ah, thank you for explaining that. Makes sense. :) I know a lot of Donnerhalls that are doing great in hunters as well. Seems they make good all-rounders.

  4. Riley certainly makes a nice picture. With scores like that, you should definitely consider First Level next season. No question.

    I think his frame is appropriate for Training Level and you ride him beautifully.

  5. I think you both look great, Stacey, and I enjoy your blog. Your hands are very light - like a hunter rider's, as the last person posted. What if you took a stronger hold and forced him more into the bridle with your legs and seat? Not a lot, obviously, but to push the momentum more from his back end and hold it, compact it, with your hands and seat? Thoughts?

  6. I like his forwardness. Now, all you need to do is combine that with roundness and contact into the bit, as you noted. All the correct pieces are there. Now it's time to start to put them together.

    My trainers had be do half halt after half halt after half halt, and tons of transitions to help develop collection. These were done often in a few strides and repeated again and again. It could be your winter project. I'm sure your new trainer is going to help a lot.

  7. He looks lovely and relaxed and yes, riding the same level over and over does get boring--but you've got an excellent foundation and a lovely horse and I know you'll make good progress through the winter. Keep up the good work!


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