Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The skid, the jump: What a hoot

This is a two-fer Tuesday, just saw this video and it is too cute not to post.  I thought the "flip" was referring to the camera, but it's the pony. Good Lord, what a hoot! Wish I could tell what the girl was saying!


  1. OMG... that is TOO adorable!! I loved it. He looks like my dog doing what we call "crazy circles" - complete with wipe-out - but I don't think I've ever seen a pony do it before!

    Thanks for the smile, I needed one today.

  2. You know, if he were a big horse, the reaction would be totally different! Instead, he's so cute, you can't help laughing.

    Love the caprioles. Wonder if she taught him to do that?

  3. That pony is so cute! I want one :)

  4. Loved it! I think i've seen some other videos of her with an oversized version of the pony...

  5. LOVE THIS! this actually made me laugh so much x

  6. I love her laugh. I've had that same reaction to my horses and my dogs over the years. All because they are so SILLY. Many happy memories.

  7. This made my day. OMG those short, stubby legs ... and that FAT belly ... the epitome of a Thelwell.

  8. She's yelling random things like "come on!" and "good boy" "this is sooo silly"

    That pony is hilarious! The capriole like thing seems to be a command. which is pretty impressive.


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