Friday, August 9, 2013

New OCD-index for KWPN stallions

I recently read about this new OCD Index for KWPN (Dutch) stallions. It's an interesting concept to express a stallion's tendency to pass on OCD.  The index values are such that under 100 means that a stallion is more likely to pass on OCD; over 100, less likely. All of this assumes a reliability of 55% or over.

The stallions they discuss seem to have OCD themselves -- Bretton Woods, shown above, is an example. Here is a quote from the article:

Bretton Woods has an OC-index of 96, with a reliability of 63%, 96 may not seem much but it is a clear indication towards heritability in OC. Bordeaux has an OC-index of 101, 64% reliability, which means he neither improves the status nor burdens his offspring with heritable OC. Ampère (born 2005 by Rousseau- Flemmingh) has received an index of 103 with 65 % reliability. His index is leaning more towards improving the status of his offspring.
 Some breeders I have spoken to have indicated that the X-ray portion of the stallion tests are not always as stringent as the typical vet check. Pronouncements about the X-rays can be rather -- er -- well --political? It was an off-hand remark, so take it for what it's worth.

1 comment:

  1. It's not easy reading x-rays and when the fragments/changes/abnormalities are small it's not so very clear at all.
    In some dog breeds it's mandatory to take certain x-rays in Sweden and there is very much disscusion about the importens of the right person both taking the pictures and right person reading the pictures to do the animal justice.


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