Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snow boots, snow boots, snow boots.

$149 from my local tack store, on sale
I think John Belushi said it best: Snow boots, snow boots, snow boots.

The only way to cope, and simultaneously cheer oneself up in the dark, snowy, negative-temp days of winter is to ditch the Mountain Horse winter boots that barely lasted two years (stitching rotted, material fell apart) and buy new ones.

I love my Ariat Brossard boots more than any other I have ever owned -- they're comfy, warm, and I think mighty attractive. I've worn them to work all week (I'm in my office on lunch break in the photo.

I think of them as gray Dubarrys.


  1. oh I love them. I always end up buying Ariats- they just seem to fit me well. I had one pair of mountain horse boots. I hated them.

  2. I have the blizzard boots. Um yeah they leak, ugh. Ohhh i was wondering if those boots were good ones. Now i know!


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