Saturday, May 3, 2014

GIVEAWAY and Rah-Rah for Rolex # 6 and #5

 GIVEAWAY: I'm giving away two pairs of Rolex socks from JoJo Sox (go to my Facebook page to find out why). TO enter, go to yesterday's post on Sir Rockstar . Then a) watch the Rocky video and b) enter a comment proving you watched it (e.g., Libby was wearing an IRH helmet) and your contact info. Also give your contact info and shoe size as socks are sized. You can also just post to my Facebook page (like and share).

Numbers 6 and 5 are Dubarry Boots and Trade Fair giveaways.

6. Dubarry boots. Rolex is the highest concentration of Dubarry boot-wearers of any horse venue I’ve visited. The Dubarry boot booth, the first booth as you enter the sponsor village, can be identified by the unrelenting throngs of people wielding credit cards. The Dubarry boot guy is ever-present, splashing around in his tub of mud, wearing an enormous grin. One look, and you know he works on commission.

5. Vendor Giveaways. Vendors hold awesome giveaways -- some of them daily -- and I fill out the little cards at every booth. Among my winnings are a bridle, a pair of FITS breeches, a gift basket, as well as a ton of little stuff.

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