Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sir Rockstar IS a rock star on cross country

What a bouncy package! Love watching him go....


  1. Had some video issues on my computer, but I agree: Sir Rockstar is certainly willing and forward.

  2. The level of fitness required to complete this event is mind boggling. Beautiful to watch.

  3. Glad I got to see the whole cross country course in this video. The TV coverage today was pathetic!! I like how fresh Rockstar looked at the finish. Proves he was both well ridden and well prepared for the event. Great ride. Thanks for posting it.

  4. AWESOME!!! I just LOVE this pair, can't wait to see them in the future! Another blogger was standing by some of the last jumps on course. She said she saw a lot of tired horses, until this little one came along that was still rarin' to go.... guess who? :)


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