Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Where are the horsehead riding helmets, already

Walmart. It's addictive. Say what you will about cheap foreign labor, they have great activewear -- and  a diet strawberry lemonade to die for. Here I am mugging for the camera with a bike helmet for kids. It's beyond me why riding helmets can't look like this. They would sell for kids, and I half wonder if some adults might go for the unicorn look...


  1. yes. i would wear this hat. no question. lol

  2. I would pay you to ride in on a level 1 dressage test in one of those. :D

  3. And it totally matches your shirt!

  4. Oh, Stacey! It's so ... YOU!! :o)

  5. Anon, I would do it if it would fit on my head safely!


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