Sunday, January 31, 2016

Update on Riley: The scoop

Ri at six months, growing out of his halter...
I've owned Riley since he was three weeks old, and he has been a source of joy to me. He's sweet, and kind, and sensitive, and beautiful, and a clown. I've ridden him since he was about four, and we competed successfully at the lower levels.

Our riding partnership
I love watching my trainer ride Riley -- he's happy in his work, forward, lofty -- just gorgeous to watch, leggy and elegant. But it's really about Riley and me isn't it?

In the last year I've begun to realize that although we do okay together most of the time, we are not an especially good match as riding partners.  There are good rides, and I'm learning to ride better because of him; there is no doubt my riding has progressed. But we have not really progressed together as a team. Ri's big, and he's a big mover, but he's surprisingly sensitive. When he offers the energy and movement that we need, I have trouble staying balanced, and frankly I get in his way. Ri is a good boy -- he has been more than forgiving, but he can't do it alone. At the end of the day he needs a rider who can stay balanced and ride those gaits.

I've thought about this a lot, and after agonizing for months, Riley is for sale. I'm not in a hurry, and I waffle on this decision, especially after a good ride.  He'll go only to an awesome loving home. Please feel free to share with people who you think might be interested. He's a special horse and he has so much to offer. He's on,, and

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Equus Couture -- cuff bracelets!

I love Equus Couture, and the artist/owner Tiffany Donnelly has introduced new styles this year. Here is one, the cuff bracelet. I have the bee bracelet! About $65.

Friday, January 29, 2016

It's all about the lips

Love this selfie of Facebook friend Daphne and her mare Emmy. Clearly they are on the same lip-licious wave length!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Horse Life worries

This chart from outlines the many worries that set up shop in our brains.

Me? I worried constantly about Harv falling in the last year or so, and I'm so glad he did not have to go through our 32" snowfall last week. He might have been okay, but... Riley, on the other hand, is the curiosity boy, and the shiny object boy. I picture him getting into mischief more than anything else -- e.g., "I wonder what this dry eraser tastes like?"

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Harv charcoal/pencil drawing

When Harv was about 13, my mom took two photos that I had of Harv and asked a local artist to incorporate them into a drawing. The result was this color charcoal and pencil drawing. I absolutely love it. This photo does not do it justice, but Harv's eye especially is perfect.

Harvey hair bracelet from Ponylocks!

Thanks to Pony Locks ( this lovely bracelet, made with Harvey's tail hair.  It is just gorgeous, and in a middle price range, I think about $70 with a few options like the charm and my desired clasp.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sea Accounts - Exciting Dressage Clip

This is a fun little clip of an Thoroughbred eventing stallion, Sea Accounts. Watch the background in the last few seconds of the video. It just goes to show ya, we're all stars in our own life, but just off camera there are other folks living their own dramas...

Saturday, January 23, 2016


We had 22-30", wow!

Posted by In horse we trust on Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Only Tim Curry could make this weather bearable...

Friday, January 22, 2016

Growing up horsey

I used to jump hedges in our front yard, from a 'canter,'over and over. It kept the neighbors entertained. This drawing instantly brings that to mind. The artists work can be seen at

One of my friends posted this today! It is art by Polly.
Posted by Kate Bashor on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Gym time aka "legs of lead"

Every day I don't ride Ri-Ri, I go to the gym now. A buddy of mine is a spin class instructor and got me started on the stationary bike.  I wish I could say it was a little bit fun -- more like death by derailleur. Four or five times a week I spin my buns off for an hour. This was a pretty good day, an hour, two seconds, varied resistance but generally between 11-16. On this day I went 16 miles and change. After that weights. Hoping it will help my riding!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Regal markings -- horse with a crown

This young Dutch Warmblood has an  unusual blaze -- the owner calls it a crown-shape. Check it out! And the video is neat too -- it may not be classic "dressagey" but I love the energy and exhuberance.

The horse's name is Royal. Here is what the owners say:

Royal is one of our young dressage horses for sale. He was born in 2012 and is by Imported Dutch Harness Horse Stallion Alex. Royal has three quality gaits that should make him a competitive dressage horse. You will definitely be noticed with his four socks and blaze that looks like a crown. Young dressage horses with his quality of gaits are hard to find in the US. You can find more dressage horses for sale on our website at 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Fly bonnets fit for a Diva

Riley does not need a fly bonnet, but these bonnets make me wish he did! From Imperial Fly Bonnets on

They come in every color you'd desire and have been featured in Dressage Today.  The price varies with the options you pick (monograms available), but generally about $65 to $170.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Harv photo

I had this photo matted and framed and it's now in our living room. Harv's old leather halter, cleaned and reconditioned,  has been on a chair in our kitchen for a month. Last week I broached the subject of hanging in the living room with Bob. I was so thrilled he is not only on board with the idea, but enthusiastic! We're going to hang a hook in one corner near the door and close to this photo. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Here's one for Shark Tank: Boot extenders

In the interest of consumer choice, I'm sharing my awesome product idea/innovation in the hopes that someone will a) know of such a product in existence or b) be inspired to make it happen.

The business case for Boot Toppers
I see two basic unmet needs in the equestrian world, pertaining to boots:
  • Tall women and presumably men can seldom get off the shelf boots to fit properly -- always too short in the leg.
  • Many riders would like to take advantage of the fashion options in dressage -- who hasn't drooled over the fancy boots with crocodile spanish tops or contrasting color tops?
What if someone developed a detachable leather boot topper that can meet both needs? I'm picturing a thin piece of leather in fashion colors and options (bling, initials, color, pattern, etc) that can be either set into the boot top or wrapped around it?

It might be tough to design one to fit all boots but why has Ariat not thought of this?

I would be happy to test drive a prototype. Just sayin'.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Crocodile brown patent leather with crytstals!

Fabulous Delfina Brown Patent Leather with Crocodile Print and Crystals Horse boots. From (offered on Ebay too).
 If only they were orange...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Buchiko, colorful Japanese filly!

Pretty Girl, a filly named Buchiko running in Japan and doing pretty well! See article in the Examiner about her performance and the "splash" she's making. Video has some nice racing footage...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Harv -- video taken early December

This kind of a sad video -- nothing horrible happens, but maybe you won't want to watch it -- taken around Dec. 2. I had been worrying about Harv's steadiness and overall demeanor, wondering if he was in danger of falling. A friend suggested that I take video to look at things more objectively.

I'd seen Harv whack his hips on the side of the stall, more than once -- putting him in his stall and training the video on him, it was distressingly easy to capture this on film, probably took about 3 minutes.

The other footage is out in his paddock. I'd advise watching it full screen, and turn the sound up.  It's just a quick excerpt of the full footage I took -- about an hour's worth.

This was not the only factor in making "the hard decision" but it seemed to me like Harv's situation was more and more precarious. You guys have stuck with me this long, through everything Harv has been through, so I thought I'd share this too. Thanks all.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

David Bowie freestyle (Isabell Werth and Goblin King, Central Park Horse Show)

Have to credit Horse Nation for presenting this In Memoriam to DB.  So sorry to lose this unique artist, so young. He was interviewed several years ago, and in response to a question about aging he replied: You must realize, though, aging doesn't faze me at all. It's the death part that's really a drag.”

Indeed. For us too. RIP David Bowie.

Monday, January 11, 2016

New browband for charity

I'm liking magnetic hematite -- here I'm using rondelles with iridescent coating to add interest, but this is a really pretty conservative look. And who knows, magnets could help!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Properly ventilated head! Tipperary Sportage

A friend of mine used to joke that she has a mind like a steel sifter. I think of this phrase as I sport my new Tipperary Sportage helmet, which is uber-light and ventilated.  I LOVE being able to feel air circulating up there as I ride. The Sportage also has extra coverage at the base of the head, b/c I one wants to keep the ole brain stem in working order.

I got my Tipperary Sportage at Riding Warehouse for about $55 shipped due to a sale (normally they're around $80.

The Sportage is also -- well, sporty -- in its design, with the cool horse logo and textured blue (and heaps of colors available, thought not orange).  You can't see it too well in these photos, but it has a leatherlike attachment from the helmet, which I think looks better and adjusts better than nylon. The Sportage is one of the few "low end (under $100) helmets to have this.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A PSA from Newman and Red Kitka

Can't think of much to write lately, so here is a PSA.

It's impossible to resist their cuteness! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3Watch More

Posted by Cat Lovers on Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Friday, January 8, 2016

Daily Nip, another great Thoroughbred

Webb and Daily Nip

In Throwback Thursday: Classic Hunter Daily Nip Lives On In Cissy Webb's Memories from the The Chronicle of the Horse, Cissy Web is asked about this wonderful old photo from the Chronicle. A quote that resonated with me, to the very bone:

"Daily Nip was a huge part of her life as a teenager, and remains a part of her heart today. An oil painting of them showing together hangs in Webb’s Sperryville, Va., home, along with Nipper’s old leather halter. “He still lives with me, in my memories and my mind,” she said. “He was full of hell and a wonderful horse. He was without a doubt a joy. I loved him; he had a great personality and he was a wonderful fellow. I was terribly lucky to have him.”
 Harvey's halter is in our living room, hanging on a chair until we buy a nice hook for it...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New helmet for an old brain

I have a velvet-covered helmet that I like a lot (Harry Hall), but lately my head has been dripping when when I'm done riding.  It's hard work! Seldom is my helmet dry by the next time I ride, and the ick factor is off scale.

I opted to get a second helmet for swapping out -- got a deal on a Tipperary Sportage at Riding Warehouse. $55 as opposed to almost $80 retail. And it comes in MANY colors! Not orange, however, so I got blue.

It comes in eight colors, and reviews in online forums like the Chronicle of the Horse and  blogs tout it's highly ventilated design and extra coverage of the nape of the neck. Also see the Riding Warehouse youtube review.

I also like the fact that the harness is "leather" and not just the nylon straps that you see on other helmets at this price point.

Note that while I have an advertising relationship with Riding Warehouse, they did not reimburse me for this ad, I did not receive a discount or free product, and Tipperary doesn't know I exist. This is what I ordered, based on my own research and the fact that I truly have had great experiences purchasing from Riding Warehouse...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Harvey thoughts

Harv at Saddle Valley Farm in 1998, day one in the quarantine pasture.
I have joked with friends that I've been predicting, and dreading, Harv's demise since he turned 16. Probably around 2003, a fellow boarder kindly and firmly gave me a reality check when I tearfully told her about my fears of losing "my aging boy." I know now, sixteen is YOUNG for an otherwise healthy horse.

So... I'd been dreading losing Harv for a long time, and wondering how it would feel to lose him.

Here's the honest truth. He doesn't feel gone. He has been so constant in my thoughts, in my heart, for years -- even though I'd love to see him "for real" he is not exactly absent either.

So now, it's like he is still here, as he's always been. Even when I went back to the barn where I boarded him, I wondered how it would feel to see the empty stall. I braced myself. But when I went into the barn, and saw his stall, it was like he was still there -- I could feel presence. It didn't hurt that his stall had fresh shavings, like it was waiting for him.

Christmas was tough. Bob and I always went out to take our christmas photo with Harv -- and this year, I missed this tradition. It didn't feel right to do photos with Riley.

People lose horses is horrible, sad, tragic ways all the time, and my heart goes out to them. I have been lucky, to have had Harv so long, and to have enjoyed him so fully, and to have had a goodbye that was sad, but not horrific.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Harvey jumping

Harv was an event horse when I bought him, but he had started stopping at fences when he moved up to training? prelim? I forget now. At any rate, this "flaw" made him tough to sell, and the owners did not think to market him as a dressage horse.

When I first bought him, I was a re-rider with a 20 year old hunt saddle. I could dabble in dressage, jumping, and we did trails with an old friend Linda and her horse Secret.

Note, also that I am sans helmet, because I was an idiot. Lucky me...

The Harv archive: Jumping sans helmet, 1998 from Behind the Bit Blog on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Harvey, a retrospective Part I

Just thought I would share some photos of Harv in his "salad days" -- he was about ten or eleven-years old here.  Lemme tell ya, Harv was a blast to ride. Thanks to Al Kukitz for these photos -- I cherish them.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Quarter horse awesomeness -- dressage version

Love this horse's expression and attention...

Türchen 23 Quarter Horse Browny gibt alles <3
Posted by Susanne Lohas Fan Page on Tuesday, December 22, 2015